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five of diamondsDiamonds - Values - Security - Dharma
5 of Diamonds - Fluctuation in Finances
Karma for the 5 of Diamonds - Accepting Reality

Money consciousness is strong for these people, and when it's regarded as a means, not an end, finances are usually at their disposal.
KARMIC CHALLENGE for the Five of Diamond: Illusions and Irresponsibility

Limitations and restrictions in regard to their financial security come through troubling health, or a hampering physical affliction; through difficulties with children, or through a loved one who is faced with trials that cannot be shared.

The 5 of Diamonds must choose their course and stick to it. They must seek a place in life where they can forget themselves and make a contribution, and they must learn to abolish their constant uncertainty. They must also guard against creating a separate reality that's out of sync with the reality of those around them!

karma or destiny


January 22 (Aquarius), February 20 (Pisces), March 18 (Pisces), April 16 (Aries), May 14 (Taurus), June 12 (Gemini), July 10 (Cancer), August 8 (Leo), September 6 (Virgo), October 4 (Libra), November 2 (Scorpio)


Diane Lane, Sidney Poiter, Queen Latifah, Pope Benedict XVI, Cate Blanchett, George Bush Sr., Jessica Simpson, Dave "The Edge" Evans, Jeff Foxworthy, Susan Sarandon, Alicia Silverstone

The world's best kept secret, hidden in plain sight! - copyright Metasymbology Co. 1997-2017