What's Your Card?
Depending on what day you were born, you have a Birthday Card. It's like saying you're a Scorpio or a Leo. In the Cards, you would say you're a Ten of Diamond or a Jack of Heart. Your Card is a reflection of your personality and a window to your soul.
Similar to a Sun Sign - i.e. Scorpio or Leo, your Birthday Card gives you a general meaning which should be further explored through the various combinations of planets and numbers associated with your birthday, and modifying influences like your "Ruling Card". You would then find a Jack of Heart born on July 30 is a bit different than a September 26 Jack of Heart, though an emotional tyrant none the less! ;-)
The Life Spread
This layout of cards is called the Life Spread. It's called the Life Spread because it also reveals your Life Pattern in 13-Year Cycles of time.
The little cards are the Soul Cards. They symbolize the qualities of your soul-nature. When you are in tune with your soul nature, you are not at war with your self.
To find your Birthday Card, select your birthday, then click GO!
One Card will get bigger. Click on that Card for a free reading.