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jack of diamondsDiamonds - Values - Security - Dharma
Jack of Diamonds Meaning: The Enterprising Trader
Karma for the Jack of Diamond - Recognition of Spiritual Power

The nature, disposition, and qualities of this card take the prize for variety and peculiarity! The Jack of Diamond is either wholly material, or highly spiritual, or a curious and incomprehensible mixture of the two.

The Jack of Diamond is very money conscious and will always find a way to get it. They are mentally keen; sharp and clever, and are always looking for (and finding) the thing that pays off.

Jack of Diamonds must have a profession that is productive; they must also have an outlet for their wonderful gifts of originality and creativity. Fun loving and dynamic. Never a dull moment with Jacks of Diamond!

karma or destiny


January 16 (Aquarius), February 14 (Aquarius),March 12 (Pisces), April 10 (Aries), May 8 (Taurus), June 6 (Gemini), July 4 (Cancer), August 2 (Leo)


Aaliyah, Kate Moss, John Carpenter, Drew Bledsoe, Meg Tilly, Jimmy Hoffa, Darryl Strawberry, James Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Mandy Moore, Steven Seagal, Harry Truman, Bjorn Borg, Sandra Bernhard, Ann Landers, Dear Abby, Geraldo River

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